

Monday, 25 September 2017

A New Record

   Yesterday's temperature set a record for September 24 with a high of 32.3C. Today may also be a record - a scorcher at noon so I was only out for a few minutes, running to and from the car and watering the tomatoes.

    Hava Java Social this morning - Donna has asked me to run next month's meeting -  and I managed to recruit a new member for my other group, RWTO. Then off to Bridge despite feeling dizzy and having a headache. Luckily both locations were air conditioned! Hope I'm not coming down with something as the rest of the week is quite busy.

   No dinner tonight as I am also feeling squeamish. I'll eat when I get home from dance group if I'm hungry. There will be cake there and punch!

Sunday, 24 September 2017


   Still hot! 31C at 6:00 p.m. and the humidex makes it feel like 41C. Unbelievable!

   I had arranged to meet the ladies at the tennis courts at 9:00 a.m. but it was already hot. We only played for an hour (and it was Australian Singles again which is more tiring) so I was home just after 10:00 and haven't been outdoors since except to water the tomatoes. Spent the rest of the morning reading the newspaper over a cup of coffee. The air conditioning is ticking over and keeping things comfortable indoors.

   Prepared a batch of pickled beets this morning and made some lavender cookies this afternoon so the day was not a total waste. Leftover chicken for dinner with some green beans for dinner so that's an easy meal. Looking forward to another episode of "Outlander" at 9:00 p.m. then off to bed.

   Forgot to say I had to run (not literally, I took the car) to the store this morning to pick up a cake for tomorrow. We are having a party for the retirement of our dance teacher. I was sure the cake was going to start to melt on the way home, the car was so hot, but I got it in the fridge in time!

Store bought was much easier than making it myself - and I'm not paying for it!

Saturday, 23 September 2017

Staying Indoors

     An inside day - too hot to work in the garden, I was hot just driving to the grocery store and back! Having said that, I did go out around 4:00 p.m. to cut the back grass but it was a very rushed job and I was back indoors in 10 minutes. The air conditioning is switched on but I haven't heard it cut in so indoors is still pretty cool. Very unusual for this time of year, just as we are about to turn to Autumn.

    I have noticed the trees are beginning to drop their leaves but I think it's mostly because it's been so dry. The leaves haven't really started to turn.

   Chicken in a tomato sauce for dinner. I made a batch of cauliflower soup for lunch and had it with crackers and some cherry tomatoes from the garden There are still loads to come. It has been a very good year for them.


Friday, 22 September 2017

We Need Rain!

   Still hot and dry and the weekend is supposed to continue that way. The lawns are looking rather scorched but no point watering them. I am just keeping the tomato plants wet.

   Tennis this morning (two sets, that was enough for me) then a couple of errands on the way home - first, gassed up the car ($30) then picked up a prescription ($34, but I will get some of that back), an expensive morning. While I was in the drug store the pharmacist went through a very detailed questionnaire with me to ascertain that my prescriptions were not conflicting in any way. It took about 15 minutes and was very thorough but I think I passed. Only suggestion - I should be eating oatmeal! I can do that.

   Gardening for a while this afternoon until my hands got too sore. I was still pruning and sawing the bush. Then just reading. I made cauliflower croquettes for dinner last night and will have that again tonight with corn and pickled beetroot. No dessert but I may have some almonds and dried fruit later.