

Thursday, 15 September 2016

First Round of Golf

    This summer has really been too hot to be on the golf course but this morning was so nice and fresh I got out my golf clubs and headed down to Dentonia, the par 3 course I like. The first few holes were quite good but I got more puffed as the round went on. It's a very hilly course. I joined another couple of ladies so it was nice to have company.

   Home by 12:30 and spent the rest of the day napping and reading - no energy for house work or gardening!

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

A Mixture of Weather

   The day started cool and overcast and soon there was rain (not much). By the time I left the volunteer appreciation lunch at the seniors' centre the sun was out and it actually felt quite hot.

   After the big lunch - salad, steak and veg, and a delicious strawberry shortcake - I didn't need much before I went to Petronella but I made a grilled egg and cheese sandwich when I got home.

   Before lunch I went by the garden centre and picked up a couple of small 'mums front my front porch planter. It's looking much better although the plants need to open up a bit before I can get a photo.

Tuesday, 13 September 2016

Change In the Weather

It was quite hot on the tennis courts today but it clouded over around noon and now there is quite a strong wind. I had opened all the windows last night and the house cooled down to about 19C. It is only 21C indoors at the moment and I have put on my vest and a pair of socks!

    Bridge yesterday was lots of fun and some good hands. I had a small slam (12 tricks). Unfortunately we had only bid to the 4 level (10 tricks) but I was quite pleased with myself. Last night was the beginning of the Country dancing season but we had a very poor turnout - only 7 paid although 11 attended. Next week must be better! I am going to the Petronella group tomorrow so that I will get a chance to practice all the dances for the monthly dance next Saturday.

    I haven't been very good with my diet recently and tomorrow is the Volunteer Appreciation lunch at the senior's centre. So tonight I am having a very light meal - fish in foil with kale and Za'atar spice and peas on the side. I will have a couple of mini butter tarts for dessert (my one treat today) as I also had a light lunch of soup, crackers and cheese.

Saturday, 10 September 2016

Home Made Dinner

    It has rained off and on all day and is still sprinkling. At one point this afternoon the wind was coming in strong gusts and I had to close the awning in case it blew away.  It was still warm but is cooling off now. I didn't need the A/C at all today which is good news.

    I finished my current book this afternoon and it had a very satisfying ending. I noticed it is on the best seller list this week. Now I have started a P.D. James book, "The Murder Room". I am a great fan of her books.

   I did manage a bit of gardening this afternoon but didn't need a swim after. I tried out a new meal for dinner tonight - crab spring rolls. When I cleaned out the freezer last week I found some wrappers so defrosted them today and made up a vegetable mix to which I added a can of crab meat. They were a bit greasy (I had to use olive oil in which to fry them) but were quite tasty, especially with plum sauce for dipping. There's some left for tomorrow.