Off to the RTO AGM this morning. The meeting went well with no unforeseen problems. The new Executive was voted in with no objections, and the committee chairs confirmed for another year. The lunch (free if you attended the meeting) was salad, chicken and veggies, including delicious crunchy asparagus, and fruit and ice cream. A talented musical group entertained us. Coffee was on tap all day and I had more than I should. I missed a call from Kathy asking why I wasn't at tennis - no one else showed up and she was not happy.
The TV service is down (again!) and I am waiting for it to come back as there are shows I want to watch this evening. Meanwhile I have potted up some of my hanging baskets with the plants I bought yesterday, and done a bit of weeding.
Dinner tonight will be something simple as I am still full - probably soup or something eggy. I will wait and see how I feel later. And definitely no dessert!!
TV's back so let's see what's on The Big Bang Theory.
A nocturnal visitor that greeted me one morning. He seemed a bit under the weather. |