Most of the classes are over for this term but the drop-in program was still going. However I wasn't selling much coffee so I cleaned up, counted the money and left by 200 p.m. Another nice walk on the way back and I did a total of 4,000 steps. Not too shabby. I counted my steps up to Bridlewood Mall and back on Monday and it was 5,000 steps so I am getting closer to my goal of 10,000 a day.
I started writing Christmas cards this afternoon and should be able to finish them tomorrow morning, so will buy the stamps and get them in the mail when I go to the drug store for my prescriptions. I have already received two cards and they will start to come more frequently in the next few days. Then it's just a matter of sending off cards to people not on my list who send me one.
Nothing much on TV tonight, just a rerun of Doc Martin, then I will watch the news and head to bed. Dinner tonight was leftover chicken and broccoli casserole and there is still some left for tomorrow. By then I will be well and truly sick of it! One good thing, I have had hardly any carbs today, just my breakfast cereal. I had a lot of my freshly baked bread yesterday so today's lighter eating should compensate for that. I'm thankful to say my bread machine seems to be working fine now, after my hard work on the paddle yesterday.