

Friday, 11 September 2015

Technology Working For Me

   So nice to be able to play tennis in more comfortable temperatures! I didn't rush out this morning, mindful of the busy traffic now that the schools are back. It was a fairly easy drive and I arrived around 9:00 a.m. and got straight on the court. A short break between sets ( just enough time for a coffee and snack) and I was done by 10: 45. I got home in time to watch the first Ladies semi-final from New York then decided to head up to the Rogers store to pick up my new modem and PVR box.

   I hoped to have the new box set up in time for the second semi but the fates were not with me and it required a long call to Rogers support to actually get it functioning. By this time the second match was almost over but I did get  to see the last few (and most suspenseful) games. Now I am watching the Men's semi-final matches which should take me through most of the evening. What will I do with my time once the tournament is over on Sunday? Well, I do have a few things lined up.

   No cooking tonight, just warming things up. As I am currently online, it appears that the new modem is functioning properly.

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Nothing Better Than Home Made!

    Busy in the kitchen today - while gardening this afternoon I noticed quite a bunch of rhubarb so picked enough for a rhubarb and apple crumble. I will have that for dessert tonight with some yoghurt. I also cooked my favourite chicken dish - thighs with ceci (chick peas), artichokes and sun-dried tomatoes. It also has a swig of red wine in it and, luckily, I had an open bottle.  I drank the rest with the leftover artichokes in a mayo and parmesan dip. So, not too many leftovers.

    This morning I had an early start (again, when will I get to sleep in?) I had to be at Markham and Lawrence for 9:00 a.m. and the traffic on Markham was pretty bad. But I was on time for the RTO meeting - in fact was first there and got to set up the conference room before anyone else arrived. By that time I was ready for a coffee and that was supplied along with fruit and muffins. The meeting went well and was over by 11:15. Now I need to go over the notes and type them up.

    Seemingly there has been torrential rain in New York so the tennis matches tonight have been cancelled. Luckily this is a good night on TV so I will just catch up on the semi-finals tomorrow. 

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Cooler Weather

    Another wet start to the day but this time it brought some cooler temperatures. In fact, I had the windows open most of the day and should have a comfortable sleeping night. I even had a vest on for my walk this evening with the temp. in the low 20's.

   I went to the coffee bar this morning but wasn't needed as Maria is back from her summer at her cottage. Also, Ron is back to take over his usual Monday spot at the Bridge table, so I will have to find another group. This Sunday we sign up for the Fall classes so I will have to be up bright and early for that!


Tuesday, 8 September 2015

Some Exciting Tennis

   It was still 28C when I went out for my walk at 7:00 p.m. this evening - and humid to boot. I needed a swim when I got home. My walk takes me 40-50 minutes, depending which route I take.

    We had a wet start to the day, but I went down to Don Mills TC regardless. The drizzle finally stopped and we had a court dry by 10:15. There were only 8 people there but we had a couple of good sets.

   The day stayed cloudy so I got in a bit of gardening. The sun came out intermittently around 5:00 p.m. but by that time I was watching the tennis from New York. Now it's Venus versus Serena so I am settled in front of the TV for a dynamic evening of tennis!