

Friday, 26 June 2015


   I was up bright and early this morning to turn on the pool heater as I was expecting the grandkids for the morning. They arrived around 8:30 and settled in with books, toys and exploring my basement (Natalie has converted one of the areas into a home away from home with all her special stuff ) while I watched a tennis match from the UK.

    Later we took a stroll down to Tim Horton's - a pleasant visit as they chose their treats with a minimum of fuss while I drank my coffee. Even James was quick with his choice - a Blue Jays doughnut!  On the way home we stopped at the park for a little while, played on the splash pad (James), climbed the "mountain" (Natalie and Elliot) and watched from a bench (me). It was a beautiful morning, sunny but with a fresh breeze.

    Home again and I got Elliot set up to clean the pool. He did a reasonable job of it and got right in the water after his hard work. The other two followed shortly after and stayed in for almost an hour. By then it was getting close to lunch time so I got them dried off and back into their clothes while I started on lunch, egg and salmon sandwiches and soup.

   Judy came to pick them up around 2:00 and since then I have been waiting for the furnace guy to come for my annual checkup. However, he has not appeared and I am afraid we may have been in the back yard when he called and didn't hear him. I guess I will have to reschedule.

   I made my favourite chicken dish for dinner tonight (and tomorrow night and probably Sunday too, if I'm not bored with it by then). I call it Tuscan chicken as it is from a book about Tuscany. The chicken gets cooked in a pot with artichokes, sun-dried tomato pieces and chickpeas. It calls for red wine but I used marsala which is a very tasty alternative. I overcooked it a bit (too busy playing bridge on the computer) but it was still good.
Looking good, James! Isn't he a cutie!!

Thursday, 25 June 2015

Lunch Out

    Tennis first thing this morning but I didn't stay long - felt a bit wiped after an hour. We only had three on our court and took turns being on the single side.

    Met with the ladies from Probus for the RODEO lunch. It was held at Bluffer's Restaurant down by the lake, a very picturesque location and nice room. There were 15 of us and I had a seafood quiche with a lovely salad, also a glass of wine. So I am still not hungry but will have a small meal later.

    I came home for a nap and, unfortunately, slept until 4:45. I must have been bushed, or maybe it was the wine! I may have trouble sleeping tonight.

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

Last Night of Dancing

    Just a quick note as it is really late (for me) but it has been an eventful day so I thought I had better get it recorded.

   Thunder and lightning all through the night and torrential rain so I slept late. But one good side, the pool is filled again, saving my water bill! Despite the rain and soggy conditions, I left for tennis just slightly later than usual and found the traffic much lighter. The courts were dry thanks to a strong wind and sunny skies. It was tricky playing and terribly humid but I managed three sets and stayed until 11:15.

    I had a light lunch as I was due at Sheila's at 1:30 and she always feeds us. It was the Scarborough Dancers annual committee meeting where I have to produce the financial statement for the year. We had rather a large loss over the past year but it was accepted and approved. Some of our big expenses were one of - they won't occur again or at least not for another 10 years. So we have some time to build up our bank balance. We had quite an increase in members so that should help, if they continue to attend.

   Left there at 3:00 to pick up the grandkids for their last visit to "Dancing in the Park". We had fun fixing dinner together and preparing stewed rhubarb for dessert. iI went down really well. Then off to the park where they both did several dances with help from assorted other dancers. Home here by 8:15 and Judy was there to take them back to Markham. I wouldn't be surprised if James nodded off on the way home!

Monday, 22 June 2015


   This topic is borrowed from another blogger but her entry struck a chord as I like to think that, since retiring, I have been able to cast aside routine activities and let the days unfold as they may.

   Having said that, I do realize I am a creature of habit. I cook the same selection of meals, I do chores on specific days, and the week is governed by my set activities. And I grocery shop and do laundry on the same day each week.

    Tuesday, Thursday, Friday and Sunday start with a game of tennis (not in the winter, unfortunately). Wednesday is fitness class and, until I open my own pool, Thursday afternoon is Senior's swim at the community centre. Monday and Thursday I have a permanent bridge game organized though the participants vary, and the last Wednesday of the month is Book Club. The middle Thursday morning of the month is the Probus meeting (so no tennis that morning) and the following Thursday is RODEO (Retired Dames Eating Out) lunch. This week we are going to Bluffer's Restaurant down by the lake  which should be very pleasant. The middle Tuesday of the month is the RWTO lunch and on Tuesday also we have the Executive meetings but that only happens a few times a year. And, lastly, Monday evenings are Scottish Country dancing at Scarborough (September to May). 

    I have come to realize that my best friend is my pocket planner otherwise I would never keep all these activities straight. As it is, this week I overbooked myself as I had a meeting of the Scarborough Dancers committee planned for tomorrow afternoon then realized I had to scoot up to Markham to pick up Natalie and James. The other committee members obligingly agreed to start the meeting early so that I can be at the kids' school for 3:30.

    Tonight I am driving with Susan to Rexall Centre at York University for a meeting of the Ticket Takers (more on that later this month) and surprise!  Sandy is providing a "light dinner" ! So no cooking required tonight.