

Sunday, 24 November 2013

First Snow of the Season

    It has been getting progressively colder all week with a strong wind out of the north - the forecaster yesterday described it as "Arctic" and I believe her!

   Today I woke up to -10C with a smattering of snow on the ground. If the temperature remains in the negative values, it will probably stay around but there isn't enough to cause driving or walking problems. It is still early in the winter to be having to deal with drifts and paths needing cleared. Might be a good idea to fill my gas container in case I have to fire up the snow blower any time soon. Last year I didn't use it at all and that would be my preference again this year.

    Nothing exciting planned for this week although we are gearing up for the Scarborough Christmas Dinner and Dance on December 2, just a week away. We have sold an amazing 114 tickets so it should be a jolly night. Tomorrow we will practice the dances with Donalda until we are "step perfect"! 

Tuesday, 19 November 2013


   I started my seasonal baking yesterday with a perennial favourite - gingercake. The plum pudding is already stored and maturing in a dark cupboard but I have little in the freezer for impromptu nibbling. The gingercake is quite plain but tasty; I prefer it buttered, and it is so easy to make. I mix the whole thing in a pan on the stove. Here's the recipe:

4 oz. preserved ginger                                         1/2 tsp. baking soda
4 oz. butter                                                          4 tbspn. milk
3 oz. syrup                                                           8 oz. flour
1 oz. treacle or molasses                                    1 tsp. ground ginger
4 oz. brown sugar                                                1 egg; pinch of salt

Melt butter, syrup, sugar and treacle in a saucepan. Add chopped ginger and, when cool, 3 tbspn. of milk and the egg. Mix flour, salt and ginger and slowly add to saucepan, beating well until a smooth batter. Dissolve baking soda in 1 tbspn. milk and add. Bake in a small, greased loaf pan at 350 degrees F for 1 hour or until skewer inserted in middle comes out clean. Let cool before removing from pan.

Friday, 15 November 2013

A Week of Birthdays

   This week has just flashed by - finished the paint job on Tuesday (very happy with the fresh new look), took James to play group on Wednesday and he made a very fine gingerbread boy at the craft centre, Thursday and today I got birthday gifts organized for Natalie, Steve and Alison (and bought myself a new winter coat and some lovely sherry glasses). Steve and Alison are on the 18th and 14th respectively, and Natalie's is on the 22nd.
   So, tomorrow Judy is hosting a birthday threesome with a dim sum lunch and cake. Natalie will be 6 - can't believe she is so big. I'm hoping to get some good photos of the kids but they are really uncooperative when I bring out the camera.

   I stuffed and cooked a chicken last Sunday and have been eating it ever since - two meals of the dark meat, stuffing and vegetables, and two meals of the white meat in a chcken pot pie with lots of carrots, peas and mushrooms. My fridge is almost empty - in fact I'm down to one banana, one lemon and some bread in the freezer! Shopping tomorrow.

    I managed to get one last shot of a rose in the garden, looking rather wilted but hanging in. The nights have been below zero this week and more cold weather is on the way. No Indian summer this year!

Thursday, 7 November 2013

Next Coat of Paint

    It wasn't really warm enough (just 7C and a strong north-west wind) to keep the front door open but that's what I had to do while the paint dried on the door frame.  It would appear that the rest of the woodwork will need a primer coat, but that will have to wait a couple of days. Other than that nothing much going on. Glad I have a good book on the go.

   The gas fire is now up and running for the first time this year, such a welcome sight and adding some warmth to the family room. Leftovers warming in the oven and a quick apple crumble in there too. Unfortunately, no apples left for James tomorrow!