

Wednesday, 29 January 2025


     Several inches of snow overnight and I hadn't plugged in my snowblower battery so I was out early, shovel in hand. 

   It was quite easy work and I had half the driveway cleared before I left for my day at the Seniors' Centre. Surprisingly quiet there today due partly because it is the Chinese New Year today but also because the more cautious were staying home until the roads and sidewalks were safely cleared. I didn't have any trouble on the roads and my side street had been cleared by the time I got home.

   Another half an hour of shovelling got the whole driveway clear but by then the wind was picking up and, combined with a drop in temperature, made it a bit of a struggle. It's currently -8C but with the wind chill it feels more like -18C. I was very glad to come back inside to warm up. Tomorrow should be an easier day.



  1. Oops! Don't know what happened to my last paragraph, can't go back and fix it either.

  2. There is not a lot of snow where I live, however, roads between me and London are icy, snow covered and dangerous. The wind is a major factor for blowing snow and cold temps, glad you got warmed up after cleaning your driveway.

    1. Supposed to be above zero tomorrow! Go figure.

  3. I have found some strange happenings with blogger lately. I had to go back and fix something on a post earlier this week and it took forever to get in and edit the change that was made. We will be slipping back into colder weather for the beginning of February and I am not looking forward to that at all.

    God bless.

    1. Still quite a bit of winter to get through yet!
