

Sunday, 19 January 2025

Polar Vortex

    Some severe cold heading our way tomorrow due to a polar vortex (strong winds circling down from the Arctic). At the moment it's only -6C but will drop down to -14C overnight and stay around that mark. So, in the minus double digits for the next few days and the wind chill making it feel several degrees colder. Only advantage that it will likely be too cold for snow.

    Last week went by fast but I came down with some sort of virus on Friday and have spent most of the weekend in bed, sleeping or reading. Today I finally feel like eating again so I must be on the mend!

   The coming week looks to be quite busy so I will just have to bundle up and brave the elements. I will definitely be skipping a daily walk unless the sun is shining.


  1. Polar vortex hit us starting yesterday. Today we have been so cold (- 31C with the wind chill bringing it down to -43C this morning) that I haven't even stuck my nose out the door. When things are this cold it is great to stay in and get projects worked on.

    God bless.

    1. Wow! That is cold! Not quite so frigid here, thankfully as I had to go out today and also tomorrow.

  2. Polar vortex here today, -17*C feeling a lot colder, I am going no where until it has run it's course.

    1. One more day then we should be back to balmy weather!

  3. That is ridiculously cold - stay inside and be safe, Chris. xx

    1. Unfortunately I had commitments so had to go out. Thankfully the car started OK and I was well wrapped up.
