

Wednesday 25 March 2020

A Sign of the Times

   Quite a changed experience at the grocery store today - I had to go out to deposit a cheque so stopped by on my way home. First, there was a line up outside, one person out, one person in. I only had to wait about ten minutes and the sun was shining so I didn't mind. 

   The store was blissfully empty and I whizzed around and picked up everything I needed. I kept my gloves on and was careful to avoid other shoppers. At the checkout everyone stood well over a metre apart and there was a plexiglass screen between the customer and the cashier - quite rightly so. Only one spot for cash, they are encouraging everyone to use plastic, which I usually do anyway. The line at the cash checkout was very long. So, I think I managed to avoid picking up any germs.

   Still nice this afternoon so I had another long walk - lots of others doing the same but we all were careful to avoid getting too close. The next few days are forecast to be a bit miserable so I will be happy to stay indoors. Progress on the jigsaw puzzle but I am having to use the "try every piece" method which is very tedious!

Almost done!

   One other thing, I used the drive through ATM to deposit my cheque but it wouldn't work while I was wearing my gloves - had to touch the buttons with my bare fingers. Ughh!!

Tuesday 24 March 2020

A Rude Awakening.

   This was what I awakened to yesterday morning. Thankfully it had all disappeared by the afternoon but it was a miserable, damp day. It is still March, after all.

New growth poking through the snow. Hope they survive!

   I am working on my hardest puzzle but should be able to finish ahead of my Easter deadline.

This was the easy part! Now for the tricky stuff, the ceiling.

Saturday 21 March 2020

Social Distancing

  Somehow I am managing to fill the days. Today was brilliantly sunny but very cold. Only 1C (windchill, -16C) when I went out for my morning walk. Hardly saw a soul and not many cars on the streets. It is a very weird time, for sure. It warmed up a bit in the afternoon and I worked in the garden.

   I had one conversation with a neighbour this afternoon. She was driving up the street while I was raking the front lawn, and we chatted at a distance of 5 feet. She shared that another neighbour is sick with the virus after returning from a cruise. 

   I also had a phone call from my son, making sure I was all right. He still has to work so I was glad not to have physical contact with him. I hope he stays healthy. Tomorrow I may Skype the grandkids, I haven't seen them for almost two weeks. Anyway, here's something that will really cheer you up!


Friday 20 March 2020

First Sign of Spring

   Milder today but rainy and very windy. Here's what I found as I did a bit of garden tidy-up in between the showers.

A small clump of crocuses. They won't last long but I will enjoy their cheerful little faces for a day or two.