

Tuesday, 25 February 2025

The Start of the Meltdown

    The Big Melt has begun and I can now get easily into my driveway - I have been hacking away at the snowbank for the last couple of days of mild temperatures and have widened the  gap somewhat. No doubt we will return to below freezing temperatures in a day or two but taking advantage of this opportunity to start clearing the snow was not to be missed. We even had a glimpse of sun today which helped.

   Last week's exercise classes were cancelled due to our instructor being involved in a weather related (ie. icy roads) traffic accident. I don't think she was hurt but may be without a car for the time being. Just hoping she manages to make it to the seniors' centre this week. I have missed my usual workouts especially as it is virtually impossible to go for a decent walk to get in my daily step count. Too many snowbanks to climb over.

   My oven is on the blink - I think it is the heating element, a fairly easy fix, and I have a guy coming to look at it on Thursday. So, no baking for next week's Knitters and Crafters. Tonight's dinner is a low cook affair, just some pan fried garlic shrimp in a salad, one of my fast and easy recipes!

   I have taken a break from reading our next Book Club book (Louise Penny's "State of Terror") to indulge in lighter fare. It's Stanley Tucci's "What I Ate in One Year", lots of interesting recipes and captivating descriptions of food shopping jaunts and meals he has prepared for a huge list of celebrities. He's a bit of a name dropper! Also, all his favourite restaurants around his current home in London and jaunts he goes on around Europe. How the other half lives!


Wednesday, 19 February 2025

A Third Cancellation

   Our visit to the Lebanese restaurant, scheduled for the third time tomorrow, has been postponed yet again! We have had a massive amount of snow over the last two weeks and getting around is still extremely difficult. Plus more is forecast for tomorrow. It's not just the driving but also clambering over snowbanks when crossing the road. Also, parking lots are a sea of slush and puddles. 

    Our next rendezvous is Thursday March 6 which would have been the date of our next RODEO visit anyway. So, that is two months when we haven't been able to continue with our "Eating Around the World" project. So frustrating!

   So, instead of having a pleasant meal with friends, I will be out tomorrow shovelling or snow blowing my driveway. The snowbanks on either side are now well over my head! The only positive is that the effort to heave the snow onto the top of the pile keeps me warm and is an excellent workout. No need for exercise class for now.

Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Winter Driving

    Bracing for a big dig tomorrow as we are on the cusp of a major storm. Not particularly cold - just a few degrees below freezing - but the wind is strong and snow and/or freezing rain is forecast to keep falling until tomorrow morning. There's likely to be considerable drifting so I will have to use the snow blower. Must remember to plug in the Lithium battery before I go to bed tonight!

    Judy is staying over tonight as she was anxious about tomorrow's commute. I am very close to her school, only minutes away. Her normal commute is around 30 minutes but with bad road conditions it can take up to 2 hours. Better safe than sorry.

   The cat got his claws trimmed without incident on the weekend which has cut down on the amount of mauling I have to put up with. His favourite thing is to climb on me as soon as I sit down and maneuver, using his claws, into a comfortable position. Ouch!!

   The RODEO lunch which was to have been tomorrow (we were visiting Lebanon) has been cancelled for the second week due to road conditions. Several of the ladies are nervous drivers. Plus there's always the chance that we will be completely snowed in. It's now scheduled for next Thursday so I only hope that the weather gods will co-operate this time.

Thursday, 6 February 2025

This, That and the Other

    My scars are finally beginning to fade but the two spots where the biopsies were taken are still a bit sore and itchy. I have been keeping them covered but I think it will be safe to leave them exposed to the fresh air by tomorrow.

   More shovelling today but not very much, so it was just a minor workout. Today was supposed to be our visit to a Lebanese restaurant but several people called off because of the slippery road conditions (we had freezing rain forecast for this afternoon). So it has been decided we will try again next Thursday.

   This worked well for me and my friend Susan as we both were able to attend our monthly book club which is also on the first Thursday of the month. Next year I plan to transfer to a different group that meets on the third Thursday.

   One of the cats is badly in need of a claw trim so I'm hoping Judy will be able to do it - she does it for her cat). Otherwise it will have to be a visit to the vet as there's no way I'm going to tackle it!