

Wednesday, 28 July 2021

Camera at the Ready

    Got the pool heater fixed yesterday (those darn spiders - seemingly they are attracted to the smell of gas and built a nest in there) so the family came over for a swim. It has been cool overnight most of this week so it took a while to get the temperature up but they were both in and James swam 30 lengths. The pool is only 10 meters long but still that was an impressive 300 meters.

I now have two pumpkins - this is the larger one. Should be ready for Hallowe'en.

Not sure what this is but it was worth snapping.

I asked Natalie to stand by the sunflower to show how tall it is - she's about 5'7".

Almost ready to be picked. I've had quite a few cherry tomatoes already.

Thursday, 22 July 2021

First Sunflower

    Got rid of the rest of the giant zucchini to daughter yesterday - she and James came over for a chat and a swim although it wasn't very warm. She has lots of recipes so will use it up quickly.

   Tennis first thing today and it was much more pleasant, hardly humid at all and quite fresh. We weren't able to get a court next Sunday so it will be a day of leisure. The booking system is quite a good idea but, in the past, we would just show up and hope for a court. 

    Several of the sunflowers are developing "heads" but this is the first one to open. Still a while until the seeds ripen.

Monday, 19 July 2021

Tonight's Dinner

    I felt like something light for dinner tonight so went on a hunt through the fridge and in the garden. Voila!

Lettuce, cherry tomatoes and raspberries from the garden, nectarines, cucmber, feta cheese and olives from the fridge and needing eaten up. A match made in heaven and it was filling and delicious not to mention healthy to boot!

Saturday, 17 July 2021

Giant Zucchini

     Can't claim to have produced this mammoth specimen - a friend brought some to tennis yesterday and I was the lucky recipient of this beauty!

I made fritters with about one quarter of it (enough for three meals). Now what should I do with the rest? Suggestions welcome!