

Sunday, 6 June 2021

The Heat Continues

    Another scorcher today (over 30C) and two dips in the pool, the first after two very hot hours on the tennis courts. We started at 8:00 and almost made it until 10:00 but I was really dragging by the end. It's amazing how a quick dip in the pool brings your body temperature down.

   Another dip this afternoon after some pruning and trimming of bushes. Everything is becoming very overgrown. My other Wigelia is now blooming but the peonies have not produced any flowers at all. I think they will have to be replaced next year.

Saturday, 5 June 2021

Three "Firsts"

    The first "First" was picking some rhubarb from my one big plant which I did a couple of days ago. There was enough for a rhubarb crumble which I had over three days. It was very good!

    The second "First" was my first dip in the pool. It has been extremely hot for the past few days and the water temperature is now up to 70F. Very refreshing although I didn't stay in over long!

   The third "First" has still to be attempted - my first effort at making fish tacos. I eat fish quite frequently but have gotten rather bored with the few ways I prepare it. So, tonight is Fish Tacos night. I will load it up with veggies and make a Tartar sauce. Wish me luck!

Wednesday, 2 June 2021

A Beautiful Plant

    Just dropping in to show my latest dazzler in the garden. The Clematis was a new purchase last year and has survived the winter and established itself well. I am thrilled with the three blossoms and there are more to come!

Sunday, 30 May 2021

Things are Looking Up

    Couldn't complain about today's weather. We had a later than usual start to tennis but it never got uncomfortably hot. Home by 11:00 a.m., did a bit of gardening and thoroughly enjoyed the sunny skies and pleasant temperature. A lazy afternoon reading in the shade and am just about to barbecue some turkey sausages for dinner. Life's all good at the moment!