

Tuesday, 5 January 2021

On My Bedside Table

     The library has been a godsend this winter with me making frequent calls to pick up books I have requested. Here's what is on my bedside table at the moment, not all library books.

   I have dipped into all the titles in the first pic. Am really enjoying "Dickens and His Carol" as it is witty and well written. I'm having a harder time with "The Prisoner's Wife" as it is a rather bleak and horrific description of life in a POW camp in Germany toward the end of WW ll. The Isabel Allende book I think I have read before but it is so interesting that I think I will continue with it, but first I will read "The Paris Hours" as I only have it and the other library books for 3 weeks. Happy days!

   The second photo is books that I have for backup, in case I run out of anything from the library, mostly borrowed from friends. I, luckily, have several friends who are also keen readers like myself.

Sunday, 3 January 2021

A Work in Progress

     With the recent cold snap I have been working on my new puzzle. It is a tricky one and I have had to redo certain parts. It is taking quite a bit of time and effort to get it right but I certainly am not in a rush to finish it.

Yesterday morning, another snowy scene. We had more snow overnight.

I started with the border, as I usually do, but soon realized it was better to start from the centre.

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

A Windfall

    One of my Bridge friends, during our Zoom chat yesterday, offered to lend me a brand new jigsaw puzzle that she got for Christmas. She has decided it is too tricky but I'm eager to give it a shot.

   Off I toddled to her house (the longest trip my car has had in 9 months) to pick it up. She kindly gave me another one as well so I will be kept busy for the next week or two. I will post a pic of the new one if/when I finish it.

   On the way home I stopped at the library for a book I had ordered, "The Prisoner's Wife". We are back to waiting outside the library for our holds but, fortunately, there were only 3 people ahead of me and it wasn't too cold. Now I have lots to keep me entertained.

   I had a walk up to the Mall this morning, combining exercise with a couple of errands. It started to rain on the way home but I was well protected. The rain is on top of a couple of inches of snow that fell overnight so we are likely to have icy conditions if the temperature drops below freezing tonight. Tomorrow I will stay indoors!

Saturday, 26 December 2020

White Christmas

    Yes, we had snow yesterday (and lots of it) and more today. Son had to dig us out to go to daughter's house for Christmas dinner, and again today. But at least it wasn't too cold and not a huge amount.

    We had a lovely dinner with the other family in our bubble and were careful not to get too close (no hugs and kisses!). But it was so nice to just hang out with some new faces. That is the first Christmas dinner I have not had to prepare in about 50 years although I did supply the roasties and the plum pudding. Hope daughter will take over soon as I have done my bit, and then some!