

Monday 24 June 2019

Fun With Friends

    Cat is using my new furniture as a scratching post. Scream!! We have a spray bottle handy to discourage her but it isn't really working. 

   I had a quiet weekend as the family were at their trailer. Now it's all steam ahead until Friday when they depart again for the weekend. The kids are still in school this week so I don't really see too much of them.

   My Bridge group was here for "Afternoon Tea" today as the Senior's Centre where we usually play is closed this week. We played two rubbers of Bridge then stopped for tea and treats, then back to the cards again. It was after 3:00 p.m. when we finally stopped. I am still stuffed as I overindulged as usual. Not much supper tonight.

Tuesday 18 June 2019

Having Company

   One of my house guests. Her name is Holly and she is just under one year old. She is the perfect guest - very undemanding as long as you feed her and play with her occasionally!

I managed to distract her with one of her favourite toys.

Saturday 15 June 2019

Weekend chores

   Did my good deed today. I had a very full grocery cart this morning (family coming to stay tomorrow while their house is being renovated) so I let the next two people in line go in front of me. They only had a couple of items. The lineups at my grocery store, even on the weekends, are never very long so I don't mind waiting a bit.

   Gardening chores this afternoon. Trimmed the bushes by the front walk as all this rain has made them flourish unreasonably. I still need to buy some more veggies, perennials and plants to put in my hanging baskets but will wait until Monday as the Garden Centres are usually very busy on the weekends. 

Thursday 13 June 2019

Dinner on a Shoestring

   As suggested earlier, I sat on my hands and didn't volunteer for anything new at the RTO meeting today. It was decided that each member of the Executive would take a turn of recording the Minutes - we'll see how that works out!

    It has rained pretty well all day today with a brief thunder storm this afternoon. I did manage a walk between showers and it was nice and fresh. It's stopped now and, if it stays dry overnight, I should get to play tennis tomorrow. Fingers crossed!

   Here's tonight's dinner - just a light one as I stuffed myself with muffins at the meeting this morning - they were fresh out of the Cedarbrook oven and quite yummy. Dinner started with this rather unappetizing bacon from the freezer,

…….but ended up looking like this. I will have it with a salad.