Although not cold today, it was rather damp and miserable - I just managed to avoid a soaking while shopping but I cashed in $20 of my PC points which is always good news. I love free groceries! Dinner tonight was a new recipe for chicken thighs which turned out rather well. It had onions and mushrooms in a curry and sour cream sauce and I had it with a cob of corn. Lots left for later in the week
I baked a loaf in the bread machine this afternoon although I have seriously cut back on carbs. This loaf is just for emergencies, one of which may occur later this evening while I am slicing it for the freezer. The top sank a bit so I may have to eat the partial slices! I have somewhat fallen off my good intentions in the last few days, buns at Red Lobster on Thursday, mashed potatoes at Marlowe's yesterday and, of course, the bacon sandwich from Starbucks. Time to get back on track.
No signal on my TV today despite two calls to Rogers. They finally agreed to send a technician but not until tomorrow so tonight I am watching "Julie and Julia" on DVD. Julie writes a blog about cooking all Julia Childs' recipes. It's very funny and has some interesting recipes. Right now she's cooking beouf bourgignon and lobster thermidor. I might try them some day (Not!!)