

Friday, 4 December 2015

A Pot of Good Soup

    Fitness class this morning but only three of us stayed for coffee. It was quite nice as there was only one conversation going at a time. I stayed until 11:00 but still had time to make soup for lunch.

   Today it was celery and carrot as I needed to use up a bunch of celery. I had to throw out some stalks as they were getting mushy but there were enough decent ones left for a pot of soup. I love getting something virtually free! I also hard boiled two eggs and had egg salad sandwiches with the soup. I make this a lot in the summer, especially when the grandkids come over for a swim (it's either that or devilled eggs - they love both) but usually just put vegetables in my lunch sandwich, so this was a treat!

    I really intended to make the mincemeat tarts this afternoon but got involved with a jigsaw puzzle I am working on. It's a tough one but I have nearly completed it and just kept telling myself "one more piece". Before I knew it, it was dark outside and I still hadn't finished today's newspaper, so I did that instead.

   I have spent the last half hour playing Bridge online and am glad to say I won the rubber. My virtual opponents are not very aggressive bidders so it's not much of a challenge but fun nevertheless. Time now for my Friday TV shows. It's a hard life!

Thursday, 3 December 2015

On the Go

   On the go from early this morning. First yoga followed by a solitary coffee, no one else stayed but I had some errands to run and needed caffeine to get me going. I picked up mincemeat and pastry mix to make mince pies for the freezer, so they will keep until Christmas. I needed a few more things from the store but I was home by 11:00.

   Bridge this afternoon and we had some good hands although Samia criticized my bidding at one point (I was her partner) and I took offence and told her off. Very unlike me but she has done that quite often. I'm guessing she won't do it again!

   I stopped early with bridge and helped decorate the tree in the main hall. They are decorating for the Christmas lunch next Tuesday and have lots of lights strung up. It is getting quite festive. Afterwards I went for a swim and soak in the hot tub before heading home. It wasn't too busy so I was able to enjoy my laps.

   Salmon, peas and rice for dinner and I have just had a delicious bowl of avocado and salsa as my pre-dinner snack. That should hold me until tomorrow.

Wednesday, 2 December 2015

Still Late Fall Weather

     The day started out overcast but by noon the clouds were parting and soon the sun was shining. The temperature reached a comfortable 6C but out of the sun it was still quite chilly.

    I had an early start today with a fitness class at 9:00 a.m. I didn't linger very long over coffee as I needed to change and get down to Scarborough Golf Club for the RTO Christmas lunch. It was a fabulous buffet (roast beef, smoked salmon, salads, vegetables and lots more) and the desserts were to die for! I had good companions at my table and plenty of interesting conversation. I managed not to overeat but still felt uncomfortably full by the time I left. It was that last piece of chocolate mousse that did me in.

   I dropped in to the Senior's Centre to make sure my shift at the coffee bar was covered. There was no need to stay and Marion declined my offer to cover her next shift. So all's good. Tonight I am watching the last episode of "Game of Thrones" but the DVD is acting up and I have had to skip several scenes.  I hope the next season is better.

Tuesday, 1 December 2015

December Begins

   A party last night at social group. We danced until 8:45 then stopped for tea and treats. We finished around 9:15 and cleaned up before one more dance - I sat that one out (too much food!).

   Tennis this morning and Swan outlobbed us something fierce! But we won a few games, had fun and a good workout. I came home for lunch and a nap and almost didn't make it to the cinema in time for the movie. I saw "Spotlight" - very entertaining.

   Finally finished the Carrot Lentil soup and the Tuscan Chicken I made on the weekend, so will have to get cooking tomorrow.