

Thursday 24 December 2015

Christmas Eve

    Everything went according to plan today and I was home with all the food by 10 a.m. I put the capon in the oven around 12:30 and it was ready by 4:00. While it was cooking I prepared the sweet potatoes and while it was resting I made the gravy. So now it is dissected and in the fridge ready to be warmed up tomorrow and the roasting pan cleaned. I had some pickings off the carcass for dinner tonight in an avocado and blue cheese salad - it was delicious and quite filling.

   It was another beautiful day - sunny and a high of 13C - but this is supposed to be the end of the mild weather. I did my long ( 4,000 steps) walk this morning before tackling the bird and felt better for it. I think I am all set for the company tomorrow - just few last minute chores in the morning before starting on the vegetables. Then steam the plum pudding and heat the custard and mince pies and we will be done!

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Trying to Avoid the Chaos

    Only one trip to the mall today, to get some reading material before things close down for the holidays. Other than that I only was outside for half an hour for a walk around the block.

    I did a last few Christmas chores - tidying the basement, getting the outdoor lights working and decorating the planter by the front door. I also put a garland on the banister going upstairs. So, that's it!

   Tomorrow I plan on an early departure to pick up the last of the groceries and the capon before the grocery stores get too busy. I am going to cook much of the meal tomorrow and just heat it up on Friday. Cooking the whole meal while entertaining company is just too stressful!

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Winter Solstice

     Today was the shortest day of the year but it was quite pleasant - mild and rainy in the morning, high of 11C and glimpses of sun this afternoon.

   Tennis with Hendrina, Swan and Lillian this morning. We played for about 1 1/2 hours with a couple of breaks and I wasn't as tired as last week. I stopped in at the liquor store and the library on the way home, had an early lunch and spent a couple of hours napping.  I have almost finished "Girl in the Spider Web" and am waiting for a couple of books that are in transit. Hope they arrive tomorrow or I will be out of reading material. I picked up the third season of "Game of Thrones" which will keep me busy for a week.

   I am still eating the spinach quiche I made on the weekend and had a slice for lunch with soup. Fish in a cheese sauce for dinner with garlic mashed potatoes and peas. Yogurt for dessert, all very yummy and I am well satisfied. I am trying to clear out the freezer before the end of the year and just have some chicken pieces and some sausages in there right now. What with leftovers from Christmas dinner (hopefully there will be some) that should keep me going until then. 

Monday 21 December 2015


    Got the last of the Christmas gifts today - just a small present for the grandkids (and Lucy) at Chapters as they are each getting an item from "Gifts For Hope" from the PLAN catalogue. Natalie chose baby chicks, Elliot chose mosquito nets and James chose a set school supplies. It is fun to get them to choose something they really are interested in.

    It was a matter of darting from car to store today as it was raining quite hard - very un-Christmasy. I got the tree out of the basement yesterday and today decorated it with all my old ornaments. I also wrapped the gifts (that is, put them in Christmas gift bags) so I am pretty much on track to be ready for Friday. I even got out the centrepiece for the table and started to decorate the mantle! I shouldn't have to go back down to the basement except for emergency supplies.

   Leftover chicken and broccoli for dinner tonight, and a piece of double chocolate brownie that I indulged in at Starbucks today - a little treat to myself for being finished with the gift shopping.