

Sunday 30 November 2014

The Last of November

    Just a short note tonight (a Downton Abbey preview is coming on TV in a couple of minutes!) to keep all my followers (whoever you are) up-to-date with my activities. Actually, today was a very quiet day - I didn't even get out at all except for half-an-hour digging up the dead hedge (almost gone, thankfully). It was very mild today - 11C - but dull and overcast. No rain though.
    Yesterday I had a late night babysitting the grandkids while Judy sand Dave were out for a special chef-directed meal with friends. They had to help prepare the meal and it took until midnight to cook and eat it! So I wasn't home until nearly 1:00 a.m. I slept until after 9:00 a.m. so I seemed to be behind with everything today. I had a long nap this afternoon which didn't help but certainly felt good. I am almost finished the P.D. James book and there are two more waiting for me at the library. Good times!

Thursday 27 November 2014

Kitchen Bridge

   No, we weren't playing in the kitchen but, I am told, this is the name given to our type of bridge - just bidding and playing the hand without worrying about conventions. We were playing at the community centre and seemingly there is quite a demand for tables so we were lucky to have a spot - and I was lucky to be invited! My partner and I lost most of the bidding wars but were successful on the hands we did get to play. I'm still a bit of a klutz but didn't make any horrendous errors.

    It's chilly outside so I have the fire on - not as cold as earlier this week when we had such strong winds. The power went off last night for about half-an-hour but there were areas of the city who lost power overnight. Not ideal circumstances in the winter as you also lose heat - the furnace needs electricity to run. 

    This morning I hit a few buckets of balls at the golf drop-in and after bridge I went for a swim. I managed 16 laps again but was fair gasping by the end. I think I will stay at that for the next while. Had a good soak in the hot tub afterwards.

   Chicken stew for dinner then my favourite shows on TV so my evening is set. I popped into "Michael's" ( a craft shop) yesterday and bought card paper, stamps and glitter to get started on making some Christmas cards. I just need to see if I can pop down to Judy's school tomorrow to use the paper cutter as I am hopeless at cutting a straight line!

Sunday 23 November 2014

Snow All gone

     Milder weather has arrived and the snow has almost all melted. Yesterday was a busy and tiring day so I have spent today relaxing and napping. Just a few chores, some grocery shopping (cashed in my PC Points so my grocery bill was only $5!), and reading. I am almost caught up on all the library books which arrived at the same time. Another mystery by Henning Mankell is on its way to the library and I will save it until my week on Jury Duty. It will be a great book to while away the time in the Jury room waiting to be called.

   Yesterday I was out of the house by 8:00 a.m. to attend a Scottish Country Dance workshop. It was held at Bishop Strachan school which is a great location although quite a trip downtown, for me, anyway. In between session (which were all excellent) there was tons of food - coffee and pastries in the morning, a delicious lunch of soup, wraps and sandwiches, and, during the break in the tea dance, more tea or coffee and a beautiful array of bars and cakes.

    By the time we finished around 5:30 my feet were aching but I was pleased that I had managed to last right through to the end. I'm sure I burned up quite a few calories, which is just as well as I certainly didn't restrain myself as far as the food was concerned. I even sneaked a couple of sandwiches to eat on the way home, and some bars for my dessert after dinner. There was lots of food left over so I'm sure they didn't miss what I took.

    Today I made a huge pot of winter minestrone from Giada's cookbook. It had pancetta, lots of vegetables, a can each of tomatoes and beans, and some spinach. The tastiest part was the addition of a parmesan rind which gave it a special flavour. It will last me almost all week for lunch. I love Italian food!

Thursday 20 November 2014

Winter is Definitely Here!

    Five centimetres of snow overnight and I was forced to get out the shovel and clear a spot for my car on the driveway. It was brilliant sun but quite a cold wind and I kept it up for 15 minutes or so while I waited for Marilyn to pick me up. She was taking me to a Probus meeting - an organization for retired professional and business people, hence Pro - Bus.

   I have added my name to the waiting list for the club and I can attend three meetings as a guest. The talk was very interesting although the title, "Canada and Sovereignty in the Arctic", sounded rather heavy. Fortunately, the presenter was knowledgeable and quite humourous, and had an excellent power point presentation with which to accompany his speech. I will certainly go again.

    After I got home I shovelled a bit more. The sun had dried up the part I shovelled earlier so all's good for tomorrow. The temperature is forecast to rise on the weekend so that should clear off the rest of the snow.

    Swimming this afternoon and I managed 16 laps although it was quite busy. After a few laps the pool cleared out somewhat and I managed to get into a rhythm and keep up my speed to the end. Quite an improvement.  Then into the hot tub for a relaxing soak. Good times. Dinner tonight is leftover fish and quinoa and I am quite hungry after all the fresh air and exercise. I might even reward myself with some dessert!