

Tuesday, 13 July 2021

The Grand Tour

    As I have said before, I have a pretty small garden around the house. However, all the borders are packed with plants, mostly perennials, that are really blooming with all the recent rain. So, today's post is a tour around "the estate"!

I'm afraid I am not much of a photographer, but this will give you an idea of what's blooming today.

This perennial is called Balloon Flower (Platycodon Grandiflorus) - you can see the balloon shape of the buds before they open.

I have slipped in an indoor violet as it is blooming so spectacularily!

Echinacea and some Bee Balm.

Self-seeding sweet peas - they come up every year but are just one colour and have no noticeable scent. Very pretty, nevertheless.

Phlox and more Bee Balm.

My first attempt at Sunflowers - they have really reached new heights this week!

    I hope you have enjoyed this tour of my garden. Today we had two thunderstorms with more heavy rain so I expect things will have grown even more by tomorrow - and the grass needs cut again!

Friday, 9 July 2021

More Bounty From the Garden

     Considering I only have a small patch of garden set aside for growing food, things are producing well. Today it was raspberries, haricot beans (my first attempt at growing them) and a large scallion for tomorrow's breakfast omelet.

The raspberries will be my dessert tonight. I have been nibbling a few each day but this is the first substantial picking. I will have the beans tonight too, with a lamb chop, mint sauce and new potatoes. Yum!!
 Big excitement today! I finally got a haircut after 8 months. It is such a relief to have a neat head of hair again. My hairdresser has been worked off her feet this week (the first week of opening) so I am very glad she managed to fit me in. I just hope I don't have to go so long before the next cut!

Thursday, 8 July 2021

Everything's Growing Like Crazy

     Off to pick some lettuce leaves for a salad for my dinner, in between showers. We managed almost an hour of tennis first thing this morning before the heavens opened, and it has been raining intermittently all day since then. The garden is very soggy and there is lots of rain in the forecast for the next few days. No sign of any sun.

It's nice to be able to pick just what you need. Plus they needed thinning out.

   Susan came back for coffee after tennis (we were both slightly damp) and watched the tennis from Wimbledon, the women's semi-finals, two exciting matches. Tomorrow it's the men's turn and they should be exciting too.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

My Hectic Life.....not!

    Nothing much to write about today but realized it is some time since I last posted. Just the usual, keeping busy with chores. It was very hot for a couple of days so I wasn't even getting in my daily walks. We have had quite a bit of rain recently (hailstones on Monday!) so the grass needed a cut today. That took up most of the afternoon but now it looks so much better.

    Watching Wimbledon in the mornings - one Canadian still in the Men's draw so that makes things interesting. I actually prefer the Women's matches although there are no big names left in the draw apart from #1 Ash Barty. It will be interesting to see if she prevails!