As I have said before, I have a pretty small garden around the house. However, all the borders are packed with plants, mostly perennials, that are really blooming with all the recent rain. So, today's post is a tour around "the estate"!
I'm afraid I am not much of a photographer, but this will give you an idea of what's blooming today.
This perennial is called Balloon Flower (Platycodon Grandiflorus) - you can see the balloon shape of the buds before they open. |
I have slipped in an indoor violet as it is blooming so spectacularily! |
Echinacea and some Bee Balm. |
Self-seeding sweet peas - they come up every year but are just one colour and have no noticeable scent. Very pretty, nevertheless. |
Phlox and more Bee Balm. |
My first attempt at Sunflowers - they have really reached new heights this week!
I hope you have enjoyed this tour of my garden. Today we had two thunderstorms with more heavy rain so I expect things will have grown even more by tomorrow - and the grass needs cut again! |