Nothing much happening here as we under lockdown again, so haven't been posting in some time. A friend fell and broke her hip so I have been touching base with her to try and keep her spirits up. Not possible to visit her in hospital due to COVID but she is going to a rehab centre on Monday so things are improving for her. We are lucky to have such good care.
Have started my daily walks again and, although it was a bit chilly today, it was sunny so I walked for about 40 minutes. When I got home I pottered in the garden and got a bin filled for pickup next week.
I made a loaf in the bread machine today and one of the cats got into it while it was cooling! I managed to salvage most of it except for the nibbled section. Bad cat! A pancetta and veggie frittata with salad for dinner tonight followed by a slice of apple crumble. Steve made fajitas yesterday so we have been eating well. Glad I had a good walk this afternoon!