

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

A Good Read


This title was on our reading list for the book club and I was reluctant to start it. But now that I have, I can't put it down. What a fascinating life she has led, quite inspirational. Do try to get hold of a copy - it is well worth the effort.

Friday, 3 January 2020

Into the New Year

   I have had a pleasant three days of doing almost nothing after the business of the holidays. I did get a few cleaning chores completed but not close to the routine I was taught to adhere to. Before the New Year, all dust and cobwebs had to be brushed out the door. Lots of cobwebs in my basement.

   I have read a lot, worked on a jigsaw puzzle and had a few long walks. The weather has been quite mild (today +7C) so it was pleasant to be out walking the ravines. Also today saw the return to Friday pickleball and I put in a couple of hours of intense physical activity at the community centre. Next week it is back to a busy social calendar and a more healthy eating regime. The chocolates are all gone! 

Monday, 30 December 2019

Lindt Chocolates

   Going down by leaps and bounds! Never mind, the sooner they are finished, the sooner I can get going on a more healthy eating routine.

Please, no derogatory comments about the speed at which they are disappearing!

Friday, 27 December 2019


  Very strange weather here, +10C today so quite unseasonal. I had a nice long walk this morning along the ravine, while the chicken carcass was boiling down, so now I have a big pot of soup to sustain me for a while.

  Still eating leftovers but they are dwindling, thankfully. Someone gave me a huge box of chocolates for Christmas and I have refrained from opening it until today. I will try to ration myself to two a day but, as you can see, three are already gone. This will be a real test of my will power!

They are sooo good, especially the dark chocolate!