A cold start (-12C) but I was out quite early to finish clearing the driveway. There had been a bit more snow overnight, not enough to charge up the snowblower, so it turned out to be a longer job than I expected. I waited until the snow stopped falling and I was the first on the street to have a clear driveway!
It warmed up a bit and we had some blinks of sun, so I was sweating by the time I was finished. I always wear several layers on my torso as I find that's the best way to keep the hands and feet from freezing. Also, I had on my big boots that come half way up my calf so my feet were toasty.
I came in around 10:30 and had coffee and toast followed by a soak in the tub as my back was aching. By the time I was finished reading the newspaper it was time for an early lunch as I was determined not to miss the Zumba class at 1:00 p.m. I have missed several since the New Year and was in danger of losing my spot. In fact, last week I had to sneak in before our book club meeting to check off my name even though I didn't stay for the class. Today it was tiring but exhilarating at the same time and I was ready for a nap when I got back home.
Early dinner tonight as I have to be at the DMTC meeting by 7:00. Fish in a cheese sauce with peas and spinach. Nothing to follow as we will probably have nibblies at the meeting.